Kraus, F. (2024): Marktpotential und Logistik beim Phosphor-Recycling.

ÖWAV-Klärschlammtagung 2024, Wels, Austria


Mischwasserüberläufe nach Starkregenereignissen führen in den Berliner Fließgewässern im Sommer regelmäßig zu Sauerstoffdefiziten bis hin zu Fischsterben. Um solche Zustände zu vermeiden, ist neben der Sanierung des Kanalnetzes die Abkopplung von 20 bis 40 % der angeschlossenen Flächen in den Mischwassereinzugsgebieten notwendig und in Planung. Im Projekt MiSa - Mischwassereinzugsgebietssanierung - wurden im Auftrag der Umweltverwaltung in Workshops mit Berliner Bezirksämtern mögliche Abkopplungsstrategien definiert. Zur Bewertung dieser Strategien wurde eine Modellkette aus Kanalnetz- und Gewässergütemodell aufgebaut, die erstmals eine immissionsbasierte Bewertung ermöglicht und damit die Flächenabkopplung in einen direkten Zusammenhang mit der Gewässergüte stellt.

Mazzoni, F. , Alvisi, S. , Blokker, M. , Buchberger, S. , Castelletti, A. , Cominola, A. , Gross, M.-P. , Jacobs, H. E. , Mayer, P. , Steffelbauer, D. , Stewart, R. A. , Stillwell, A. S. , Tzatchkov, V. , Alcocer Yamanaka, V.-H. , Franchini, M. (2024): Residential End Uses of Water: Global Evidence.

3rd International Joint Conference on Water Distribution Systems Analysis & Computing and Control for the Water Industry (WDSA/CCWI 2024)


Understanding the residential end uses of water is helpful for the sustainable management of water resources and the implementation of water conservation strategies. In this study, over one hundred studies were systematically reviewed to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art research on end-use water consumption. Each study was reviewed, clustered, and subjected to a multilevel analysis aimed at quantitatively comparing the characteristics of the end uses of water available in the literature. The findings of this work support water utilities, researchers, policy makers, and consumers in identifying the key aspects of water end uses and exploring their main features across different geographical, socioeconomic, and cultural regions of the world.


This paper investigates the robustness of one innovative model-based method for leak detection, namely the Dual Model. We evaluate the algorithm’s performance under various leakage scenarios in the L-Town network, despite uncertainties and model mismatches in (i) base demand, (ii) pipe roughness, (iii) the number of sensors, and (iv) network topology. Our investigation results indicate that the Dual Model is highly sensitive to discrepancies in the first three parameters. However, the impact can be mitigated through sensor-specific calibration, such as adjusting sensor elevations. Moreover, the Dual Model has demonstrated robustness to minor topology mismatches, like those introduced by closed valves.

Kleyböcker, A. , Kraus, F. , Meyer, S. , Heinze, J. , Gromadecki, F. , Remy, C. (2024): Full-scale nutrient recovery at a municipal wastewater treatment plant producing struvite and ammonium sulfate solution.

The IWA 2024 Conference on the Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants, Budapest, Hungary


Addressing Europe's current challenges of aging sewer networks, the presented research focuses on the uncertainties in service life and aging behavior of the most used renovation technique, Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) lining. Examining its aging behavior, common defects and deficiencies were analyzed through literature review and expert interviews. The findings influenced the proposition of a calibration setting for a deterioration model using survival curves. Identified defects stress the need for precise installation and curing processes. The study recommends a thorough review of the initially specified 50-year service life, acknowledging uncertainties during the installation process.


Extending the AI-driven Software SEMAplus with a risk prioritization module.

Selection and analysis of risk criteria as preliminary part of decision making.

Analysis of multicriteria decision approaches and choice of ELECTRE TRI.

Zamzow, M. , Bastin, L. , Matzinger, A. (2024): Satellite data for monitoring and management support of small lake water quality.

16th ICUD - International Conference on Urban Drainage, 9.-14. Jun 2024, Delft, Netherlands



  • High correlation between seasonally aggregated Sentinel-2 Data and lake trophic states.

  • Automatable single pixel time series analysis.

  • Seasonal ranking of lake water quality.

Remy, C. , Gnirß, R. (2024): Methodische Ansätze für Scope 3 der Treibhausgasbilanz bei den Berliner Wasserbetrieben.

Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Instituts Siedlungswasserwirtschaft der RWTH Aachen; 57. Essener Tagung, Essen, Germany

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