Guericke, L. (2024): Untersuchung der technischen Nutzungsdauer von Schlauchlinern.

Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH, Berlin


Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht befasst sich mit den derzeitigen Unsicherheiten bezüglich der technischen Nutzungsdauer und des Alterungsverhaltens der gängigsten Renovierungsmethode in Kanalnetzen, dem Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) Schlauchlining. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer fundierten Datengrundlage für eine Schlauchliner-Überlebenskurve für die Anwendung in Alterungsmodellen. Das methodische Vorgehen umfasst (i) eine Literaturrecherche, (ii) Interviews mit Kanalsanierungs-Expert:innen sowie (iii) eine Auswertung von Daten der Berliner Wasserbetriebe zur Erstellung einer aktualisierten und geeigneten Datengrundlage für die Überlebenskurven. Dabei zeigen sich in der Auswertung der Literatur und den Interviews mehrheitliche Schätzungen der Nutzungsdauer von Schlauchlinern von über 50 Jahren. Die Untersuchung zeigt jedoch auch, dass diese von vielen Faktoren beeinflusst ist und ein Mangel an belastbaren Daten besteht. Weitere Untersuchungen an langjährig betrieben Schlauchlinern sind daher zwingend notwendig. Der Einbau, insbesondere der Aushärtungsprozess hat sich als Haupteinfluss für Defekte und Mängel an Schlauchlinern gezeigt. Eine Standardisierung der Schadenserfassung und Zustandsbeurteilung von schlauchlinerspezifischen Schäden sowie die Etablierung zerstörungsfreier Inspektionsmethoden sind erforderlich, um das Alterungsverhalten zukünftig besser zu verstehen. Empfehlungen umfassen die Verbesserung der Datenerhebung während des Betriebs, Ein- und Ausbaus von Schlauchlinern, die Erweiterung der Qualitätssicherung beim Einbau, sowie die Untersuchung von Schadenseinflüssen auf die Nutzungsdauer und den Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Betreibern.


D7.4 describes the innovation and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) management procedures within DWC. It introduces the concepts of Intellectual Property (IP), the types of protection rights as well as the IPR rules in the project. It summarizes the key procedures introduced in the Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement documents. Finally, it explains the role of the innovation and IPR manager and the detailed activities that will be carried out to foster innovation and secure the protection of our key results. Compared to the previous versions, the IPR repository has been updated.


In the frame of the project Ultimate, eight workshops were conducted by the cross-cutting technology group leaders for water recycling, material recovery and energy recovery as well as in cooperation with the “stakeholder engagement” work package. In these workshops, the concepts of the case studies were discussed at an early stage of the project together with experts from other Horizon2020 projects such as NextGen, Smart-Plant, Run4life, Sea4value,, Fiware4water, Water2Return and Aquaspice. In addition, the partners from our sister projects B-WaterSmart, Water Mining, Rewaise and Wider Uptake had been invited to share their opinion with us and to identify possible synergies for cooperation.


This report summarises the theoretical design of a degasification plant to recover ammonia and carbon dioxide from organic residues, such as agricultural digestates, manure and municipal/industrial wastewater. Heat and water management had been identified as one crucial factor to optimise during this research. The chemical and physical parameters reveal the high tendency of ammonia towards water phase and underline the difficulty in ammonia stripping. Besides temperature, the volumetric gas-liquid ratio had been identified as most important factors. Regarding pH-value it had been observed, that a further increase is not sufficient once pH 9 is reached. Applied absolute pressure also has been identified of lower importance, compared to temperature and volumetric gas-liquid ratio. The latter three parameters are influencing evaporation and heat management in the desorption stage. A design model from literature according to Onda showed good correlation with the practical experiments including packings. Other column fillings as cones lead to operational problems. The understanding of the exact relations in column design are further used to design a cost-efficient process with low carbon footprint. The practical tests, as such, were reproducible, however the batch operation and limitations in the column design resulted in a limited transferability towards large scale plants. In terms of the absorption stage, the pilot needs to be further optimised to reach sufficient recovery rates. An absorption of ammonia and carbon dioxide under use of gypsum is favoured to also recover carbon dioxide and to avoid sulfuric acid dosing. In that term further tests and optimisation is needed, to have a fully quantifiable pilot system. The integration of a measure-control system is a further development step. In conclusion, the degasification process with low pressure (vacuum) reveals benefits compared to conventional air stripping in terms of heat management and the necessary gas-liquid-ratio, which has effects on column diameter and eventually column height. The necessity of aggressive chemicals dosage (as caustic in desorption) or acid (in absorption) is in view of the authors not given, hence cheap and safe alternatives (e.g. CO2 stripping) and gypsum dosage as alternative sulphur source work sufficient.


In DWC, different digital solutions will be tested and assessed regarding their potential to improve the performance and return on investment of water infrastructures. The present report (D2.4) describes the individual solutions with their technical specifications, their addressed challenges and their added value in the form of fact sheets. The document aims to help cities and water utilities in finding appropriate solutions for their operational, environmental or public health deficits

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