
In order to meet the requirements of the European framework directive on water, authored by the European parliament, measures have to be taken to enhance the situation of the bodies of water in Berlin. The discharge of treated wastewater is an important source of phosphor into the bodies of water of Berlin. The OXERAM project investigates different possible technologies to decrease these entries of phosphor and the conditional growth of algae. Pilot plants for these technologies are being operated at Sewage Treatment Plant Ruhleben (STP Ruhleben). Installed are a microsieve plant and two membrane plants. In previous tests, it was possible to proof the functionality of the microsieve plant under static influent flow and volume proportional chemical dosing. Effluent concentrations of < 80 µg/L were reliably achieved. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate the functionality of the pilot plant under dynamic operating conditions and load proportional chemical dosing. Therefore several tests were conducted. In a first step the pilot plant was operated with an artificial daily flow pattern, which was calculated regarding the daily flow variations in the influent of the STP Ruhleben. Tests under volume proportional dosing, and under load proportional chemical dosing, were conducted. The dosing of the coagulant was thereby varied according to the ortho phosphate concentration in the influent of the pilot. In a third step the influent flow was directly correlated to the influent flow of STP Ruhleben, in combination with load proportional dosing. During all conducted tests, sufficiently low total phosphorus concentrations in the effluent of the pilot plant could be achieved. By using load proportional dosing, savings of 11 % for the coagulant and 14 % for the polymer could be achieved. In addition several tests concerning the optimization of the whole process were conducted e.g. different reaction times for the flocculation and different polymer concentrations were tested. At the end an estimation of the operating costs for a microsieve plant of the size that would be required for the STP Ruhleben was made. Thereby the costs for Energy, Coagulant and Polymer and repair/ maintenance were discovered as main parts of the operating costs. The specific operating costs would be ca. 3.1 Cent/m³. To be able to compare the investigated technology with the other processes further tests of the pilot plant in combination with a UV plant as disinfection step of the effluent water from the microsieve have to be conducted.

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