Schroeder, K. , Mannel, R. , Pawlowsky-Reusing, E. , Broll, J. (2005): Integrated Simulation of the Berlin Sewage System and Evaluation of a global Real-time Control Concept.

p 8 In: 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage 2005. Kopenhagen, Dänemark. 21. - 26.8.2005


The paper presents the build-up of a model for the integrated simulation of the sewage system of Berlin, Germany, focusing on the catchment of the wastewater treatment plant Ruhleben. The Ruhleben catchment, draining 185 km² and a population of 1.38 million inhabitants is characterised by its high portion of combined sewerage. The model comprises the collection system, pump stations, pressurised mains and the wastewater treatment plant. Hydraulic and quality processes are taken into account. A preliminary assessment of the sewage system and the analysis of historical operational data showed a high potential concerning global real-time control of the pump stations. Three different global control scenarios have been studied on the basis of a long time simulation over 50 days and compared with a local control regime. The results show that the coordinated operation leads to a reduction of total emissions. Main improvements can be achieved concerning the discharges from combined sewer overflows. These improvements are of major significance due to the high hazard potential of combined sewer overflows.

Schroeder, K. , Broll, J. , Pawlowsky-Reusing, E. (2004): Model-based evaluation of a level dependant real-time control for sewage pump stations.

p 8 In: Urban Drainage Modelling – UDM ‘04. Dresden. 15. - 17.9.2004


The paper introduces an algorithm for a level dependent real-time control of sewage pump stations and states results from its evaluation based on a spectrum of simulations for three different catchments of the Berlin drainage system. The objective of the control function is to smooth the delivery of the pumps towards the wastewater treatment plant during storm weather events by throttling the flow and implicitly activating inline retention capacities of the sewer networks. The article comprises the definition and functioning of the control concept as well as operational constraints and boundary conditions and the derivation of optimal control parameters. The simulation-based evaluation of the concept shows that it is possible to manage available inline storage volume by applying the control function. However, only if an adequate retention volume of around 50.0 m³/ha Aimp or more is available a significant improvement of the flow characteristic towards the wwtp is possible.

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