
Natürliche und künstliche Systeme zur Infiltration von Wasser (im Englischen: Managed Aquifer Recharge) werden weltweit genutzt, um Grundwasserressourcen quantitativ oder qualitativ zu verbessern. Dies erfolgt beispielsweise bei der Uferfiltration oder künstlichen Grundwasseranreicherung zur Trinkwassergewinnung, bei der Klarwasserverregnung zur weiteren Abwasserreinigung und -nutzung oder bei der Injektion von Süßwasser als hydraulische Barriere in Salzwasserintrusionsgefährdete Grundwasserleiter. Dabei nutzt man nicht nur den mengenmäßigen Ausgleich von überbeanspruchten Grundwasserressourcen, sondern auch die Reinigungsleistung des Untergrundes für eine naturnahe und meist auch kostengünstige Wasseraufbereitung. In Berlin, wo seit über 150 Jahren Trinkwasser mittels Uferfiltration gewonnen wird, wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit den Berliner Universitäten in der Vergangenheit umfangreiche Untersuchungen zur Stoffelimination bei der Untergrundpassage durchgeführt. Diese zeigten, dass auch die Konzentrationen von organischen Spurenstoffen häufig bei der Infiltration oder weiteren Grundwasserleiterpassage zurückgehen. Eine statistische Auswertung von Beobachtungen an verschiedenen Standorten ergab, dass die Mehrheit der untersuchten Substanzen wie beispielsweise Clofibrinsäure, Diclofenac und Phenazon bevorzugt unter oxischen Bedingungen abgebaut werden oder generell eine gute Entfernung erfahren. Einige wie z.B. Carbamazipin oder Sulfamethoxazol werden vor allem unter anoxisch- bis anaeroben Bedingungen entfernt. Aus diesen Beobachtungen ergab sich die Frage, ob ein optimaler Redoxzustand bzw. eine optimal Redoxabfolge für Systeme wie Infiltrationsbecken definiert werden könnte. Erste theoretische Studien erfolgten auf der Basis verfügbarer Abbaukinetiken und unter Einbeziehung weiterer Redox-sensitiver Wasserinhaltsstoffe wie Nitrat und Eisen. Diese ergaben, dass eine Aufenthaltszeit von 30 Tagen im aeroben Milieu und 100 Tagen im anoxischen Milieu während der Untergrundpassage zu einer optimalen Entfernung Redox-sensitiver Problemstoffe führt. Jedoch können bereits 15 Tage aerobe und 2 Tage anoxische / anaerobe Untergrundaufenthalt zu einem deutlichen Rückgang dieser Stoffe führen. Generell sollte jedoch berücksichtigt werden, dass unter anoxischen bis anaeroben Bedingungen mit einer Mobilisierung geogener Spurenelemente wie Eisen und Mangan zu rechnen ist. Obwohl theoretisch eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten existiert, den Infiltrationsbereich, die hyporheische Zone und die Untergrundpassage im Hinblick auf eine optimierte Redoxzonierung zu modifizieren oder gar zu steuern, sind nur wenige technisch tatsächlich machbar. Weitere Untersuchungen sollen nun diejenigen Möglichkeiten identifizieren, die in die Praxis übertragbar sind und zu einer Optimierung der künstlichen und natürlichen Systeme zur Infiltration beitragen könnten.


It was the aim of the EU funded research project TECHNEAU to investigate the relevance and feasibility of bank filtration (BF) plus post-treatment for newly industrialised and developing countries. Field studies at BF sites in Delhi (India) were supplemented by literature studies and modelling in order to investigate if this natural drinking water (pre-) treatment is a sustainable option to provide safe drinking water for countries like India. The results showed that especially for those substances that are of relevance in newly industrialised and developing countries subsurface passage can represent an efficient barrier. However, certain limiting factors for BF application also need to be considered: high ammonium levels in surface water, usually associated with high shares of poorly or un-treated sewage, will not be mitigated during subsurface passage and require extensive post-treatment. In order to support decision makers in the difficult task of assessing the feasibility of BF systems at a certain site a simple decision support system was developed. This simple tool enables to assess a range of abstraction rates and well locations for a specific field site that could fit with their needs (e.g. minimum required travel time or share of BF).


This paper presents the results of an evaluation of the environmental footprint of the Braunschweig wastewater scheme with Life Cycle Assessment. All relevant inputs and outputs of the system are quantified in a substance flow model and evaluated with a set of environmental indicators for cumulative energy demand, carbon footprint, acidification, eutrophication, and human and ecotoxicity. The analysis shows that energy demand and carbon footprint of the Braunschweig system are to a large extent offset by credits accounted for valuable products such as electricity from biogas production, nutrients and irrigation water. The eutrophication of surface waters via nutrient emissions is reduced in comparison to a conventional system discharging all effluent directly into the river, because some nutrients are diverted to agriculture. For human and ecotoxicity, a close monitoring of pollutant concentrations in soil is recommended to prevent negative effects on human health and ecosystems. Normalised indicators indicate the importance of the primary function of the wastewater system (= protection of surface waters) before optimisation of secondary environmental impacts such as energy demand and carbon footprint. A further decrease of the energy-related environmentalfootprint can be reached by applying optimisation measures such as the addition of grass as co-substrate into the digestor, thermal hydrolysis of excess sludge, or nutrient recovery from sludge liquors.

Remy, C. , Lesjean, B. (2011): Life cycle management for assessing systems of urban water management: Case studies and methodological gaps.

p 8 In: Life Cycle Management conference LCM 2011. Berlin. 28-31 August 2011


Triggered by climate change, local freshwater scarcity and rising public awareness towards ecological issues, environmental aspects are becoming key decision criteria for planning of urban water management infrastructure. Simultaneously, the implementation of measures according to the EU Water Framework Directive requires huge investments in the coming years for both upgrading of existing infrastructure and the construction of sewer networks or treatment plants. Among existing tools for environmental impact assessment, LCA offers the most accepted and comprehensive method to support decision makers with information on the environmental profile of new investments or upgrading of existing infrastructure. This paper describes on-going case studies using LCA for systems of urban water management and raises potential difficulties while applying LCA in the water sector.

Remy, C. , Lesjean, B. , Waschnewski, J. (2011): Sustainable sewage treatment plant of the future: Identifying global warming and energy optimization potentials with Life Cycle Assessment.

p 9 In: IWA conference “Cities of the Future: Sustainable urban planning and water management”. Stockholm. 22-25 May 2011


This study presents the use of Life Cycle Assessment as a tool to quantify the environmental impacts of processes for wastewater treatment. In a case study, the sludge treatment line of a large sewage treatment plant is analysed in energy demand and the emission of greenhouse gases. Results show that the existing process is positive in energy balance (+166 MJ/PECODa) and GHG emissions (+19 kg CO2-eq/PECODa) by supplying secondary products such as electricity from biogas production and substituting fossil fuels in incineration. However, disposal routes for stabilised sludge differ considerably in their environmental impacts. In total, LCA proves to be a suitable tool to support future investment decisions with information of environmental relevance on the impact of WWTPs, but also larger urban water systems.

Menz, C. , Taute, T. , Maiwald, U. (2011): Impact of well operation on iron-related clogging in quarternary aquifers in Berlin, Germany.

p 4 In: IWA Specialist Groundwater Conference. Belgrade. 08-10 September 2011


The capacity of drinking water wells, i.e. the yield for a given drawdown, is often decreasing after a certain time of operation. This effect is called well ageing and is due to different processes related to the geology and hydrochemistry at any given well site and to the construction and operation of these wells. The Hydrogeology workgroup and partners investigate wells in Berlin and France in terms of their ageing behaviour with the aim to determine suitable measures helping to slow down well ageing processes and optimise strategies for well operation and maintenance. A precondition for well clogging by iron incrustations is the mixing of different groundwaters with incompatible chemical properties in the well and/or within aquifer and is induced by combined hydrochemical and microbiological processes. The assessment of (i) formation of reduced/oxidized groundwater layering in the aquifer, (ii) localization of mixing zones and (iii) mixing ratios within the well was done by field and laboratory studies. The research reveals that redox condition in the well and the surrounding aquifer are subject to short to long-termed variations. These variations are caused by operation intervals of the wells and by seasonal effects. The results permit a characterization of oxygen enrichment and transport dependent on well operation, location and design and further on an input-output balancing and a modeling of incrustation rates.


During WELLMA-DNA, 13 diploma and bachelor theses along with several internships have been completed. A sampling system for biofilm samples as well as a sampling device for water samples have been designed and tested. More than 400 DNA samples of different well sites have been collected and analyzed. Microbiological and molecular methods have been combined to gain a better understanding of the community composition of the ochre forming biofilms inside the wells. Molecular methods included PCR, DGGE, cloning and sequencing. During the project, the bacterial populations of an unprecedented number of wells have been analyzed and several indicator bacteria for iron-related well clogging have been identified. Alongside iron-oxidizing bacteria, iron-reducing bacteria have been found in the wells and their potential for ochre-solubilization was confirmed. Alongside the molecular experiments, microbiological trials included the isolation of pure cultures, microscopic analysis and physiological tests. The morphology of the encountered iron bacteria could be classified into four different groups, which may have an impact on the rigidity of the biofilms on a macroscopic level. We were able to cultivate several of these indicator organisms, which could play an important role in the formation of ochreous deposits in the Berlin wells. During experiments utilizing microscopic flow cells, differences in growth rate and patterns of these ochre-forming bacteria have been observed. For several of the identified indicator bacteria, primers have been calculated. These primers will allow for the first time to quantify the amount of indicator bacteria in a water sample and to derive operational pointers. In addition, several experiments regarding the effect of hydrogen peroxide on ochre forming biofilms have been conducted and the effect of an additional electron donor (ethanol) on the communities has been tested. For future data acquisition and documentation, a guideline for classifying the degree of pump clogging has been developed.


There is a significant potential for optimizing pump systems currently in use in groundwater wells. This potential lies in: (i) the improvement in pump technology, which can yield up to ~5% more efficiency, (ii) the improvement in motor technology, which can yield up to ~3% more efficiency, with further improvements if innovations from aboveground motors are adapted, (iii) the improvement in performance adaptability, which can be very efficient in some cases (~10-50%), but also counterproductive if not adapted to current situation (0% or even efficiency loss), and sometimes not very flexible (impeller trimming); (iv) the improvement of the system maintenance and management which may yield up to ~20% more efficiency, and which, in general, has a shorter payback time than performance adaptability options.The improvement of equipments may induce only moderate additional costs if it is done at the time of scheduled new investments, after amortization of the equipment formerly in use. Unfortunately, these expected savings are influenced by uncertainties, which can be of the same order of magnitude as the savings themselves. For instance, the determination of the optimal operation point of a pump bears uncertainties between 1% and 4% and grows with pump rotation speed (Gülich 2010). Other considerable saving potentials lie within cleaning, maintenance and smart wellfield operation with short to moderate payback times (Table 6). These potentials are however very site-specific, and difficult to estimate on a general basis. Best practices for a “smart” pumping shall include choosing equipment that fits the actual requirements of the system, operating the pumps nearest of their Best Efficiency Point, and operating the motors in an energy-efficient load range. The most obvious energy savings are those associated with improvements in the efficiency of the motor and of the pump (Shiels 1998). Such gains are often worth the added capital expenditure – although often having moderate to long payback times. However, as underlined by (Kaya, Yagmur et al. 2008), that pumps have high efficiency alone is not enough for a pump system to work in maximum efficiency. An improvement of pump technology will yield, even optimistically seen, an efficiency improvement of up to 10%, which is the potential “theoretical limit” (EC 2003). For further improvements, it is necessary to consider solutions that go beyond the pump system, since maximizing efficiency depends not only on a good pump design, but also on a good system design. Even the most efficient pump in a system that has been wrongly designed is going to be inefficient. Moreover, an efficient pump in an inefficient well is pointless. Hence, a global approach of the groundwater abstraction system is required. The optimization potentials highly depend on the site characteristics themselves, on the local demand (what distribution of the demand? what load profile?), and on the operation and maintenance history (e.g., what is the cleaning frequency of the pipes, if any?). Finally, one should not forget the primary objective of water abstraction, which is satisfying a given water demand, thus, the safety of drinking water production prevails over energy efficiency.

Langer, M. , Miehe, U. , Väänänen, J. , Stüber, J. , Bourdon, C. , Lesjean, B. (2011): Advanced phosphorus removal with microsieves in tertiary treatment: An alternative to membrane filtration?.

p 9 In: 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Membrane Technology for Water & Wastewater Treatment. Aachen, Germany. 4-7 October 2011


In this study the applicability of the microsieve technology together with coagulation and flocculation for advanced phosphorus removal was investigated. A pilot unit including a microsieve with 10 µm mesh size is operated continuously with secondary effluent. By applying a pretreatment of 0.036 – 0.179 mmol/L coagulant and 2 mg/L cationic polymer total phosphorus values below 100 µg/L were easily achieved. Values below 50 µg/L were possible at high metal dosing, but the higher suspended solid load reduced the capacity of the pilot unit. Coagulation with polyalumium chloride (PACl) produced better effluent quality compared to FeCl3 as less suspended solids and less residual coagulant were found in the microsieve effluent. Also the transmission of UV radiation through the water is improved by using PACl. The amount of backwash water was very low (< 3 %). In total, if combined with UV disinfection, microsieving with chemical pretreatment is a viable option for high quality effluent polishing.

Langer, M. , Miehe, U. , Väänänen, J. , Stüber, J. , Bourdon, C. , Lesjean, B. (2011): Advanced phosphorus removal with microsieves in tertiary treatment: An alternative to membrane filtration?.

p 9 In: IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation & Reuse. Barcelona, Spain. 26-29 September 2011


In this study the applicability of the microsieve technology together with coagulation and flocculation for advanced phosphorus removal was investigated. A pilot unit including a microsieve with 10 µm mesh size is operated continuously with secondary effluent. By applying a pretreatment of 0.036 – 0.179 mmol/L coagulant and 2 mg/L cationic polymer total phosphorus values below 100 µg/L were easily achieved. Values below 50 µg/L were possible at high metal dosing, but the higher suspended solid load reduced the capacity of the pilot unit. Coagulation with polyalumium chloride (PACl) produced better effluent quality compared to FeCl3 as less suspended solids and less residual coagulant were found in the microsieve effluent. Also the transmission of UV radiation through the water is improved by using PACl. The amount of backwash water was very low (< 3 %). In total, if combined with UV disinfection, microsieving with chemical pretreatment is a viable option for high quality effluent polishing.

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