
Maßnahmen der Regenwasserbewirtschaftung können Probleme der versiegelten Stadt wie die Belastung urbaner Oberflächengewässer und städtische Hitzeinseln vermindern und gleichzeitig die biologische Vielfalt und die Freiraumqualität verbessern. Um dieses Potenzial gezielt einsetzen zu können, wurden im vorliegenden Leitfaden die Vorteile und der Aufwand dieser Maßnahmen konsequent quantitativ bewertet. Ausgehend von dieser Bewertung wurde im Rahmen von KURAS eine Methode entwickelt, die eine integrierte Planung von Maßnahmen der Regenwasserbewirtschaftung für konkrete Stadtquartiere unterstützen kann. Sie verknüpft lokale Anforderungen mit der Maßnahmenbewertung, um geeignete und machbare Maßnahmen auszuwählen und im Stadtquartier zu platzieren. Neben Einzelmaßnahmen wurden in einem Planspiel auch durch die KURAS-Methode erstellte Maßnahmenkombinationen für zwei Berliner Stadtquartiere hinsichtlich ihrer Effekte quantitativ bewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine gezielte Kombination von Maßnahmen über die Ebenen der Stadt hinweg - vom Gebäude über das Quartier bis zum Kanaleinzugsgebiet - die angestrebten Effekte für Umwelt und Bewohner deutlich erreicht.


Facilitating and improving decision-making in urban stormwater management is a key goal of the interdisciplinary research project “Concepts for urban rainwater management, drainage and sewage systems” (KURAS). By reinstating a more natural hydrological cycle, by increasing infiltration, evapotranspiration and stormwater reuse at the building or neighborhood level, e.g. via green roofs, pervious surfaces, swales and artificial ponds, to name but a few, stormwater management has the potential not only to reduce flooding and river degradation but also to improve landscape and habitat quality, the urban climate and resource efficiency, to reduce costs, and to respond more flexibly to uncertain future conditions. These multiple potential benefits have been valuated in a systematic way, thus providing a quantitative and comparative assessment of the effects of the various approaches to stormwater management as a basis for decision-making. An important element is the stakeholder involvement in planning in order to expose interests, resolve conflicts and to discuss existing financial, legal, administrative and knowledge-related barriers to adapted urban stormwater management. For two representative neighborhoods in Berlin, Germany, alternative and realistic stormwater management scenarios have been developed based upon an analysis of the current state and evaluated using the effect indicators. Central actors for stormwater management in Berlin are collaborating with other stakeholders in the sample neighborhoods to formulate and prioritize goals regarding the selection of measures, to discuss the evaluation results and to develop transition strategies. The presentation will focus on this experience of stakeholder participation in the design of stormwater management systems on the neighborhood scale. It will present preliminary findings to be translated into recommendations for policy makers and practitioners.


Integrated planning of stormwater management requires a quantitative description of positive and negative effects of possible measures. We suggest quantifying these effects with generic performance indicators within eight categories: building physics and services, landscape quality, urban climate, biodiversity, groundwater, surface water, direct costs and indirect environmental costs. First results indicate that the defined performance indicators allow an objective pre-selection of measures based on their ability to reach local stormwater management goals. The final selection of measures should be based on an evaluation for a specific city quarter (to reduce indicator uncertainty) and reviewed by local stake holders.

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