
Potenziale einer Substitution von Trinkwasser durch andere Wässer wurden für Frankfurt am Main in einer fachübergreifenden Studie mit Hilfe von Sekundärdaten und Szenariobetrachtungen abgeschätzt. Für das Stadtgebiet insgesamt sind sie erst langfristig und mit politischer Anstrengung umfassend realisierbar. Die Verwendung von Betriebswasser könnte ab 2050 nennenswert dazu beitragen, den Aufwand bei der Produktion von Trinkwasser zu reduzieren. Kosten- und CO2-Bilanzen verdeutlichen, dass der höhere Ressourcen- und Energieaufwand für Bau und Betrieb stark von örtlichen Voraussetzungen abhängt.


Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH (KWB) would like to voluntarily draw up a greenhouse gas balance sheet for the year 2023. The aim is to develop a better awareness of the main emitters and options for action to reduce them. The higher travel volume before covid 19 pandemic and the influences of the change of location within Berlin are to be highlighted. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol is used for balancing. Depending on the data situation for the applicable category, calculation methods such as fuel-based calculation for Scope 1 (direct emissions from the vehicle fleet), supplier- and average-based methods for Scope 2 (indirect emissions from purchased electricity and heat) and spend-, average- and distance-based methods for Scope 3 (upstream and downstream emissions) are used. The data comes from the administration, supplier information, Exiobase at Climatiq, Ecoinvent, the Umweltbundesamt, an employee survey via Jotform and individual inquiries. The operating cost statements were used from the previous year. The KWB's overall balance in the 2023 financial year resulted in 148 t of CO2e emissions at the old location. Scope 1 is the third smallest emitter of all sub-categories with approx. 4.5 t CO2e emissions. Scope 2 is in the middle of the emitters with approx. 10.6 t CO2e emissions. Scope 3 is the largest emitter with 133 tons of CO2e emissions and thus accounts for almost 90% of the total balance. Unexpectedly, employee commuting is not a major emitter, as the use of bicycles and local public transport is very high. Business travel, on the other hand, is the second largest emitter, contributing a significant 19 % to the balance sheet, with 23 flights representing the main emitter of business travel with 15.2 t CO2e emissions, 74,500 km traveled and over 50 % of CO2e emissions. In comparison, 114 train journey segments account for only 15% of CO2e emissions from business trips. At almost twice the distance traveled, approximately 134,500 km, the amount of CO2e is only 4.2 tons. Trip segments refer to individual parts of a trip that were recorded separately due to different means of transportation or travel times. The pilot systems and samplers are the KWB's largest source of CO2e emissions, accounting for approx. 35% and approx. 50 tons of CO2e emissions in the overall balance due to their high electricity consumption. IT is the third largest emitter in the overall balance with 15.2 tons of CO2e emissions and 10%. A reduction in air travel in favor of train travel would have reduced the overall GHG balance by 5 % in 2023. As a result of the change of location, the energy consumed for heating and cooling at the site is only a third of the previous requirement despite 50% more office space. At almost 3 tons of CO2e emissions, the GHG emissions at both sites are almost the same, although the supplier-specific CO2e emission factor is three times higher at the new site. With 3.8 tons of CO2e emissions per employee, KWB emits slightly more than half the emissions of other companies in the service sector.

Remy, C. (2024): CO2e-Emissionfaktoren bereitstellen zur Unternehmensbilanz - Scope 3.

DWA WebSeminar "Zero Emission? Beiträge der Abwasserbeseitigung zur Reduzierung der CO2e-Emissionen", 16.-17.04.2024

Remy, C. (2024): Treibhausgasbilanz der Produktion und Regeneration von Aktivkohle.

DWA Expertengespräch "Aktivkohle aus Biomasse für eine nachhaltige Abwasserreinigung", 21.-22.03.2024, Kassel, Germany

Remy, C. , Gnirß, R. (2024): Methodische Ansätze für Scope 3 der Treibhausgasbilanz bei den Berliner Wasserbetrieben.

Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Instituts Siedlungswasserwirtschaft der RWTH Aachen; 57. Essener Tagung, Essen, Germany

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