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Founded in 2001, the Berlin Centre of Competence for Water (KWB) integrates science, research, and consultancy to promote sustainable water management. We focus on applied research across the entire water cycle, collaborating with partners in academia, industry, and public administration to develop innovative solutions for future-ready cities.

KWB connects national and international stakeholders within the water sector through targeted networking, knowledge exchange, and public outreach, disseminating the latest trends in water research to both professionals and the wider community. With years of expertise, we also organise specialised conferences and workshops to foster dialogue within the water sector.

By linking innovative research with practical application, we support municipalities, policymakers, and infrastructure operators, driving forward creative water solutions for a sustainable future.



Berlinwasser Holding GmbH

Under the management of the Berlinwasser Holding GmbH, innovative companies work on the national and international market in the water supply and sewage sectors, utility-related services and the future-oriented multi-utility division. The Berlin Wasser Holding GmbH holds 24.53 % of KWB.

Berliner Wasserbetriebe AöR

Berliner Wasserbetriebe AöR (BWB) supply 3.7 million residents daily in Berlin and the surrounding area with drinking water and treat and dispose of their wastewater. They bring their competence and expertise in the area of science and development to KWB. The BWB are a member of the Berlinwasser Holding GmbH and hold 25.47 % of KWB.

Technologiestiftung Berlin

In its function as a network moderator between science, industry and politics the Technologiestiftung Berlin encourages the formation of centres of competence in the region in promising, growth-oriented fields of technology, which apart from bio, traffic and information technology and medical engineering, also includes the water industry. The Technologiestiftung Berlin holds 50.00 % of KWB.

Supervisory Board

The activities of the KWB gGmbH are controlled by the the supervisory board, representing public institutions and private economic actors:

Frank Bruckmann
Chairman of Supervisory Board of KWB, Chairman of the Management Board of Berlinwasser Holding GmbH

Nicolas Zimmer
CEO Technologiestiftung Berlin

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Busch
HTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences

Dr. Birgit Fritz-Taute
Head of Department at Berlin Senate Department for Urban Mobility, Transport, Climate Action and the Environment

Thomas Krause
Head of Energy, Digitalisation, Innovation Department at Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Paul Uwe Thamsen
Technische Universität Berlin
Chair of Fluid System Dynamics

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