Transparency and sincerity are important to us. For this reason, we have joined the Initiative for a Transparent Civil Society. According to its principles we voluntarily commit to publishing ten pieces of information about our organisation and to keeping them up-to-date:
1. General Information about KWB Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH
Address and principal office:
KWB Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gemeinnützige GmbH
Grunewaldstr. 61-62
10825 Berlin
+49 30 53653 800
Date of foundation: 19.12.2001
2. Articles of association and objectives of Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin
In accordance with “§ 2 Purpose of the company, sentence 1” of our Articles of Association Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin directs its activities towards the following objectives:
“The company exclusively and directly pursues public-benefit purposes within the meaning of the chapter “Tax-Privileged Purposes” of the German Fiscal Code. The purpose of the company is to promote science, research and development in the field of water and to promote education and training.”
This corresponds to the following purposes according to §52 (2) sentence 1 no. 1 of the General Fiscal Code (AO): Promotion of science and research.
Our statutory mandate is the promotion of science, research and development in the water sector. All our research projects dealing with intelligent water management focus on applicable results. We are dedicated to keep cities like Berlin livable also in the future.
To meet our goals we engage in networks to exchange between professional actors in the national and international water sector. We bring Berlin topics into the networks and integrate international discussions in the Berlin water community. We develop research projects by crosslinking future topics like digitization, resource efficiency, energy and climate resilience with the traditional fields of the urban water cycle such as groundwater, water/wastewater technology, sewer management and surface water protection. In close cooperation with our national and international partners from science, industry and administration, we carry out the projects and release the results to the public. Our public relation provides up-to-date information on research trends and developments around the water topic.
Our current articles of association (status 27.08.2019) are available for download below. This arcticles are currently in revision, because one shareholder has left our institution.
3. Information about tax concessions in our capacity as a non-profit company
Tax office in charge:
Finanzamt für Körperschaften I
Bredtschneiderstraße 5
14057 Berlin
Tax no 27/029/36145
The most recent decision in the form of a corporate tax assessment was issued on 07 December 2023. The permission to issue donation receipts ends on 06 December 2028.
4. Names and role of key decision-makers within Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin
According to its Articles of Association, Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin has two bodies: The supervisory board (§8) and the shareholders’ meeting (§11); in addition an advisory board can be appointed in accordance with §10.
Chairman of the board is Prof. Dr. Christoph Donner (CEO Berliner Wasserbetriebe AöR).
Chairman of shareholders are Nicolas Zimmer (CEO Technologiestiftung Berlin) and Frank Bruckmann (CEO Berlinwasser Holding GmbH).
In accordance with § 7 of the Articles of Association, the company is conducted by a management which is appointed by the Supervisory Board. The Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin has one managing director: Dr. Pascale Rouault.
The current members of the supervisory board and the shareholders’ meeting can be found here.
Note: three of nine board member seats are currently not taken.
5. Activities report of Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin
All facts and figures concerning our activities and projects are published in our Annual Report. All Reports are archived here.
6. Personnel structure (as of June 2024)
The Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin currently employs 44 employees with a total working time of 31,1 full-time equivalents. In addition, 11 interns/student assistants and one FÖJ participant (volontary ecological year). Women make up 42,8% of the workforce.
7./8. Source and application of funds
The following charts itemise the source and application of funds. More detailed information are available at Bundesanzeiger. Please insert “Kompetenzzentrum Wasser” to the search window.

9. Corporate affiliations with third parties
Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin has three shareholder:
- 50 percent of the shares are held by
Technologiestiftung Berlin
Grunewaldstraße 61-62
10825 Berlin - 24,53 percent of the shares are held by
Berlinwasser Holding GmbH
Neue Jüdenstraße 1
10179 Berlin - 25,47 percent of the shares are held by
Berliner Wasserbetriebe AöR
Neue Jüdenstraße 1
10179 Berlin
10. Names of persons whose yearly payments constitute more than 10 percent of the total budget:
- Land Berlin, Senate Department for Economics,
Energy and Public Enterprises - European Union
- German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- Berliner Wasserbetriebe