Remy, C. , Lesjean, B. , Siemers, C. (2012): Evaluation and optimisation of the environmental footprint of the Braunschweig sanitation concept with Life Cycle Assessment.

p 20 In: IWA World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy. Dublin, Ireland. 13-18 May 2012


This paper presents the results of an evaluation of the environmental footprint of the Braunschweig wastewater scheme with Life Cycle Assessment. All relevant inputs and outputs of the system are quantified in a substance flow model and evaluated with a set of environmental indicators for cumulative energy demand, carbon footprint, acidification, eutrophication, and human and ecotoxicity. The analysis shows that energy demand and carbon footprint of the Braunschweig system are to a large extent offset by credits accounted for valuable products such as electricity from biogas production, nutrients and irrigation water. The eutrophication of surface waters via nutrient emissions is reduced in comparison to a conventional system discharging all effluent directly into the river, because some nutrients are diverted to agriculture. For human and ecotoxicity, a close monitoring of pollutant concentrations in soil is recommended to prevent negative effects on human health and ecosystems. Normalised indicators indicate the importance of the primary function of the wastewater system (= protection of surface waters) before optimisation of secondary environmental impacts such as energy demand and carbon footprint. A further decrease of the energy-related environmental footprint can be reached by applying optimisation measures such as the addition of grass as co-substrate into the digestor, thermal hydrolysis of excess sludge, or nutrient recovery from sludge liquors.


Theoretically the Berlin River Spree could be under pressure from depressions in dissolved oxygen (DO) and high concentration of fish toxic ammonia following overflows of the combined sewer system. However, monitoring results indicate that the Spree is only under pressure from depressions in dissolved oxygen (DO). Consequently, a sewer model, a river water quality model and an impact assessment tool were calibrated and validated for representation of DO depressions. The three elements are joined in a planning tool, which will be used to test the effect of CSO management approaches for the current situation and with altered boundary conditions to account for expected climate change.

Stüber, J. (2012): Fouling rate as the crucial design parameter for ultrafiltration of secondary effluents..

p 25 In: Understanding Fouling of RO Membranes in Reclamation of Secondary Effluent and its Minimization by Pre-Treatment.. Dresden, Germany. 27-28 February 2012

Stüber, J. , Hattke, C. , Miehe, U. , Godehardt, M. , Köhler, M. , Lesjean, B. (2012): Membrane filtration combined with pre-ozonation and coagulation for water reuse: Case study with ceramic and polymeric membranes..

p 26 In: 8th International Conference on Membranes in Drinking and Industrial Water Production (MDIW).. Leeuwarden, Netherlands. 10-12 September 2012

Langer, M. , Boulestreau, M. , Miehe, U. , Väänänen, J. , Bourdon, C. , Lesjean, B. (2012): Advanced phosphorus removal via microsieve filtration in tertiary treatment: Performance and operation.

p 8 In: IWA Specialist Conference on Particle Separation. Berlin, Germany. 18-20 June 2012


In this study the applicability of the microsieve technology together with coagulation and flocculation for advanced phosphorus removal was investigated. A pilot unit including a microsieve with 10 µm mesh size is operated continuously with secondary effluent. By applying a pretreatment of 0.07-0.09 mmol/L coagulant and 1.5-2 mg/L cationic polymer total phosphorus values below 80 µg/L were achieved. Coagulation with polyalumium chloride (PACl) produced better effluent quality compared to FeCl3 as less suspended solids and less residual coagulant were found in the microsieve effluent. Also the transmittance of UV radiation through the water is improved by using PACl. The amount of backwash water was very low (< 3 %). Results after rebuilding the chemical pre-treatment showed that under optimized mixing conditions polymer doses << 1 mg/L are possible without losses in water quality and filtration performance. In total microsieving with chemical pretreatment is a viable option for high quality effluent polishing.

Schulz, M. , Godehardt, M. , Boulestreau, M. , Ernst, M. , Miehe, U. , Lesjean, B. , Jekel, M. (2012): Kolloidales Fouling von Niederdruckmembranen in der weitergehenden Abwasserreinigung: Analyse und Maßnahmen zur Verringerung.

p 5 In: Wasser 2012 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft - Fachgruppe in der GDCh. Neu-Ulm, Germany. 14-16 May 2012


Niederdruckmembranen (Mikro- und Ultrafiltrationsmembranen) stellen eine leistungsfähige Technik zur weitergehenden Behandlung kommunaler Abwässer dar. Neben den Vorteilen eines kleinen Flächenbedarfs und eines verlässlichen Betriebes, birgt vor allem die hohe Ablaufqualität das Potential, die aufnehmenden Gewässer zu entlasten. Ein großes Problem beim Einsatz solcher Membranen ist das Membranfouling. Dieses führt zur raschen Abnahme der Filtrationsleistung, zur Erhöhung der Reinigungsfrequenz und des Chemikalieneinsatzes, was insgesamt hohe Betriebskosten verursacht. Sowohl gelöste organische Stoffe, als auch kolloidale und partikuläre Wasserinhaltsstoffe wurden als Hauptverursacher des Foulings von Niederdruckmembranen identifiziert. Durch gezielte Vorbehandlungen des Wassers kann das Membranfouling deutlich reduziert werden. Verschiedene Studien zeigen, dass eine vorgeschaltete Flockung zur Ausbildung eines porösen, hydraulisch gut rückspülbaren Filterkuchens führt. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine Kombination aus Ozonung und Flockung durch den Effekt der Mikroflockung eine Bildung größerer, stabilerer Flocken bewirkt und somit eine verbesserte Filtrierbarkeit des Wassers erreicht werden kann. Bisher fehlt jedoch die Möglichkeit, verlässliche Vorhersagen über das Foulingpotential von gereinigtem Abwasser zu treffen. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, auf Grundlage von Partikelgrößenanalysen im nm-Bereich, Abschätzungen über das Foulingverhalten von Kläranlagenablauf zu treffen. Darauf aufbauend soll die Vorbehandlung aus Ozonung und anschließender Flockung für die Minimierung des Foulingpotenzials der im Wasser enthaltenen Substanzen optimiert werden.

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