Occurrence and fate of microbial pathogens and organic trace compounds at riverbank filtration sites in Delhi, India

Riverbank Filtration (RBF) is a valuable method for the (pre-)treatment of surface water for drinking water production. It has successfully been used in different parts of Europe for more than one century. The main intention of work package 5.2 of the TECHNEAU integrated project is to analyze the function and relevance of Riverbank Filtration (RBF) to enable sustainable water resources management, especially in developing and newly industrialized countries. A review on the attenuation capacity of RBF with a main focus on the significance for developing and newly industrialized countries is given in the D 5.2.3. This report (D 5.2.6) provides an overview on pathogen and organic trace compound content in water samples from the three TECHNEAU riverbank filtration (RBF) sites in Delhi, India. It is a follow up of the D 5.2.1 report that gives an introduction to the studies in Delhi, including regional information to water stressed mega city, environmental conditions at the three field sites and a summary of the hydrogeological investigations. Further information on hydrogeochemistry including inorganic ions (major ions, heavy metals and inorganic trace substabnces) and physicochemical parameters was submitted in D 5.2.2. The data published in this report represents water samples that have been collected during several field campaigns between May 2007 and March 2008 and analysed in different laboratories in India and Europe. Microbiological analysis includes faecal bacteria and indicator bacteria, bacteriophages and enteric viruses. For the analysis of organic contaminants, a non target GC-MS screening was performed as well as a quantitative analysis of pesticides and other trace pollutants.

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