The negative effects of climate change related weather extremes are especially severe in cities and urban areas. High grades of surface sealing and building densities aggravate flooding risks due to heavy rainfall and the urban heat island effects.
The AMAREX project will investigate opportunities to adapt stormwater management, including blue-green infrastructure and rainwater management measures (RWB), to increasing extremes from heavy rain, drought and heat, as key parts of adapting to climate change. The impaired urban water balance will also be evaluated as a key assessment indicator for water extremes.
AMAREX will specifically demonstrate how RWB measures can be functionally extended via additional storage areas for pluvial flood prevention (RWB+) or through use, including for irrigation purposes, for drought prevention (RWB+N). For this purpose, evaluation methods for the implementation potential (conflicts, synergies) as well as an impact quantification of these measures will be developed and transferred into a web-based tool for municipal use. The approaches and tools are being developed in close cooperation with the partner cities Cologne and Berlin.
Within AMAREX, KWB’s focus is on simulating the urban water balance. The explanatory power of the deviation of the long-term urban water balance from a natural state is investigated as a potential planning indicator for climate adaptation. KWB is also responsible for the project’s website.
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