The impact of alternating redox conditions on groundwater chemistry during artificial recharge in Berlin

The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of variable redox conditions on a number of pharmaceutically active compounds, namely carbamazepine, phenazone and AMDOPH (1-acetyl-1-methyl-2-dimethyl-oxymoyl2-phenylhydrazide) below an artificial recharge pond in Berlin. The redox conditions change seasonally, mainly as a result of temperature changes of 0 to 24°C in the infiltrate. Aerobic conditions prevail in winter, while manganese reducing conditions are reached below the pond in summer. Phenazone is redox sensitive and was generally fully degraded before reaching the first groundwater well as long as oxygen was present. When conditions turned anaerobic, phenazone was not fully eliminated. AMDOPH (1-acetyl-1-methyl-2-dimethyl-oxymoyl2-phenylhydrazide) and carbamazepine are very persistant drug residues. However, results suggest that AMDOPH may be degradable under certain favourable conditions (i.e. aerobic conditions; relatively high temperatures, low recharge rates), but further studies will need to verify this statement.

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