The Lidköping Innovation Wastewater Eco-Hub (LIWE LIFE) aims to realise a wastewater treatment plant featuring advanced treatment technologies. Particular priority is given to innovative process methods for significant improvement of resource- and energy efficiency.
The project’s specific objectives are:
To eliminate or significantly reduce a large number of emerging pollutants and pathogens in the wastewater treatment plant effluent, including pharmaceuticals, hormones and micro-plastics
To maximise recovery of finite resources, including phosphate and, nitrogen for direct reuse by local industries, agriculture and citizens.
KWB consults Lidköpings municipality in terms of implementation and operation of an ozonation plant for tertiary wastewater treatment and phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge. In addition, KWB will test the suitability of fluorescence sensors for process control and monitoring of the ozonation process and will train the local staff. KWB is a key partner for the dissemination of project results to relevant European stakeholders.
The project is coordinated by the Municipality of Lidköping (LID). The partners are Lund University (LTH), Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin (KWB) and the Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF).