Comparison of Different Process Combinations or Tertiary Wastewater Treatment for the Reduction of Surface Water Stress

The implementation of tertiary treatment systems aim to modify existing wastewater treatment schemes for phosphorus removal in such a way that higher standards for freshwater ecology will be met also in future.

The project, coordinated by the Technical University of Berlin, compare the efficiency rates of different common wastewater treatment options for the removal of trace organics, i.e. ozonation or activated carbon treatment.

In addition, recommendations will be drawn up including technical notes how to upgrade already existing disinfection and phosphorus removal treatment facilities in view of the elimination of trace organics. At the WWTP Münchehofe the relevant methods will be tested with regard to their performance and operational reliability and subsequently undergo a life cycle assessment conducted at KWB. The main focus is to reduce surface water stress due to anthropogenic trace substances. For this reason, it is also intended to determine the actual biological effects of the measures in question on the aquatic fauna.

The project is supported by Berliner Wasserbetriebe and co-financed by the European Commission (European Regional Development Fund) and the Senate of Berlin (Environmental Relief Programme).

Some of the process analyses are subcontracted to KWB by TU Berlin. The LCAs of the different process combinations is carried out by KWB independently within a separate work package.


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