Stormwater and combined sewer overflows are one of the main pollution sources with strong impact to the quality of urban water bodies, which are more and more used as bathing waters. The Project iBathWater, funded in the European Union Life 2017 programme, will provide management tools, technical measures as well as monitoring and information systems to improve bathing water safety. Partners of the project are Fundació Eurecat (coordination), ADASA Sistemas, S.A.U.; Barcelona Cicle de l’Aigua, S.A.; BARCELONA CITY COUNCIL and Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin.
iBATHWATER’s overall aim is to minimise the health risks of bathing waters caused by short term contamination episodes like heavy rainfalls. This will be achieved through various integrated management measures for urban wastewater systems and demonstrated during real-time operation.
The project iBATHWATER will demonstrate the technical, environmental and economic feasibility of an integrated real-time monitoring, control and management system of the urban water system. In large and full-scale scenarios the usefulness of holistically management under a standard and interoperable framework (open data sharing) will be demonstrated. Furthermore, existing systems will be coordinated with online water quality monitoring and control tools, sewer treatment technologies, knowledge driven decision support system (KDSS) and external systems (e.g. coastal and tidal models).
In Berlin, KWB will demonstrate the effectiveness of combining predictive modelling and real-time measurements of hygienically relevant water quality parameters for short-term management of river bathing locations as well as for the minimization of CSO in the city. Moreover, the overall sustainability of the proposed solution will be assessed using both environmental health risk assessment and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
Financing: European Union Life 2017 programme (LIFE17 ENV/ES/000396)
Project Partner: Fundació Eurecat (coordination); ADASA Sistemas (S.A.U.), Barcelona Cicle de l’Aigua, Barcelona City Council and Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin
© Photos: Sebastian Dörken,